Emil Wong

創業名人 I暨四屆寰宇領袖
Circle of Excellence I & Team Elite - 4 Years




跨行業累積經驗 成就兒時創業目標

長大後你想做什麼?您還記得您的答案嗎?黃琬瑩(Emil Wong)也曾被媽媽問及這個問題,為了不讓媽媽失望,當時的她回答了一個大人們都喜歡的答案—醫生或律師。沒想到媽媽聽到後沒有面露喜悅,反而告訴她專業人士其實也是替人工作,做生意才會有出頭天。媽媽的回答一直在Emil的腦海揮之不去,讓她從小立志要創一番事業。現在她不僅在Nu Skin實現她年幼的目標,更登上新晉創業名人I的殿堂。

與Nu Skin的四次邂逅

從澳洲學成歸來,Emil便從爸爸手中接管家族船務生意。即使她剛開始不被看好,但憑堅毅積極的個性,不但令公司的老師父們另眼相看,更帶領公司全電腦化,大膽創變出令客戶降低成本的嶄新方法,讓公司成為行業龍頭。在加入Nu Skin前Emil涉獵甚廣,從船務、製衣,至人力資源及行政工作,她都備受老闆賞識,縱然每個行業可謂相距甚遠。「我是個喜歡挑戰、『貪新鮮』的人,轉換行業所帶來的新衝擊不但賦予我勇往直前的動力,更讓我可以從不同面向接觸世界。」那先後「征服」多個行業、喜歡尋找新挑戰與目標的她為何會選擇在Nu Skin「定下來」?她笑言一切都是命運的安排:「其實我遇上Nu Skin四次,感恩身邊很多親朋好友都頗賞識我的工作能力,所以都不約而同為我介紹Nu Skin的商機平台。頭兩次我都對其事業機會不感興趣,第三次是因為家人加入了Nu Skin,但當時我對直銷業亦存有戒心;終於第四次經教會朋友介紹,加上親眼見證妹妹的皮膚因為Nu Skin產品而變好,讓我不禁萌生一個想法—Nu Skin不斷在我生命出現,而且產品效果有目共睹,難道冥冥中就是要我投身Nu Skin,實踐創業目標?」深入了解過Nu Skin的商機平台後,Emil終於決定加入,憑藉她過人的行動力,創下了亮眼成績。再度凱旋征服新領域,品嚐到完成挑戰後的甜美果實,但隨之而來的卻是悵然若失的迷惘。「欠缺新目標的我彷彿墜進了瓶頸,不知道下一步該怎麼走,更一度想重返職場,但思前想後,我發現我更喜愛Nu Skin事業的自主,更享受可以自由操控屬於自己的時間。」就是那一剎那的轉念,一抹她的猶疑,更堅定了她繼續奮勇向前的信念。

盼成立基層飯堂 傳承善的力量

展望未來,Emil表示會與夥伴並肩同行,鼓勵他們大膽創新。「Nu Skin的舞台很大、空間很闊,只要相信自己一定能做到,堅持不懈,就會找到方法邁向成功。我有一個夢想,希望在人生下半場,除了繼續Nu Skin事業,更可在深水埗開設飯堂,令基層小朋友不再為三餐而愁,讓善的力量傳遍每個角落。」

Cross-industry Experience to Achieve Childhood Entrepreneurial Goals

What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you still remember your answer? In order not to disappoint her mother, Emil has answered doctor or lawyer, an answer that average adults would probably like, when her mother asked her this question. To her surprise, her mother was not impressed by her answer. Instead, she told her professionals are just ordinary wage earners while entrepreneurs could create a brighter future. Her mother’s reply had been lingering in Emil’s mind ever since and she was determined to be an entrepreneur since childhood. Today, not only did she achieve her childhood goals at Nu Skin, but also joined the Circle of Excellence I.

Four Encounters with Nu Skin

After completing her college studies in Australia, Emil took over the family’s shipping business from his father. Even though people had doubts about her ability at first, her persistent and positive personality not only impressed the veterans, but also led the company to become fully computerized and boldly created new ways of reducing costs for the customers, making it the leader of the industry. Before joining Nu Skin, Emil has engaged in various industries. Apart from shipping, she has a wealth of experience in textiles, human resources, and administrative work. Her performance is well received by her bosses, even though each industry is far apart, “I am courageous to challenge and passionate about new things, the excitement of switching career path not only gives me the motivation to go forward, but also allows me to reach out to the world from different perspectives." Then after “conquering” a few industries, why did Emil, the girl who likes to find new challenges and goals, choose to “settle down” in Nu Skin? She said with a laugh that everything was predestined. “In fact, I have met Nu Skin four times. I am grateful that many of my friends and relatives around me recognized my ability at work, and many of them have talked about Nu Skin business with me. The first two times I was not interested with its career opportunities. The third time was because my family has joined Nu Skin, but I was still wary of direct selling. It was not until the fourth time - being introduced to Nu skin business opportunity platform by my friend at church, plus having witnessed the skin improvement that my sister experienced with Nu Skin products, I couldn’t help but to think, ‘Nu Skin keeps appearing in my life and its products work well. Am I destined to join Nu Skin to realize my goal as an entrepreneur?’” After gaining a deeper understanding of Nu Skin, Emil finally decided to join in. She made outstanding achievements with her power of action. However, after “conquering” a new industry again triumphantly, as well as tasting the sweet fruits of completing a new challenge, Emil felt nothing but lost. “I feel like I'm stuck in a bottleneck, not knowing what to do next. I even want to go back to work for a while, but after careful consideration, I found that I like the autonomy of Nu Skin business more and enjoyed the freedom to control my own time.” It was that flash of thought, which at the same time wiped away her doubts and strengthened her faith to continue to strive forward.

Spreading the Force For Good by Opening a Grass-roots Canteen

Looking forward, Emil said she will stand shoulder to shoulder with her partners and encourage them to stay bold and innovative. “Nu Skin is like a big stage that gives you plenty of space to develop. As long as you believe you can and stay persistent, you will find your way to success. In addition to continuing my business in Nu Skin, I have a dream. I wish I could open a restaurant in Sham Shui Po after midlife, so that children from grass-roots families will no longer have to worry about meals and the Force for Good can be spread to every corner.”